Keith Richards - Sarum Chase - 1968£695
Franz Bergman - Pug Tavern£1100
Bronze 18th century Seated Faun£725
Franz Xavier Bergman - Erotic Bronze£1200
Emmanuel Villanis - “La Sibylle”£3250
Jean Louis Grigorie - Bronze Bust on marble plinth£795
Erte - "Broadway's in Fashion" £975
French Bronze Poodle £150
Louis William Wain - Collie, Monkey and Pups£2500
Auguste Moreau - Bronze Cherub Posy Vases£450
Artists proof by Erte (Romain de Tirtoff (1892-1990)£950
Negro Family Group - Cold Painted Bronze£450
Austrian Bronze Puppy£450
Vintage Chanel Earrings - Printemps 1994£295
19th century Austrian Bronze of Baby in Bear Suit£110